Tactical Rifles (Tactical Rifles.net) insight on the latest gun grabbing developments in Connecticut
Patricia Murphy, Tactical Rifles February 2014
post WW1 Treaty at Versailles significantly reduced Germany’s arms
(1). As a result, the new Weimar Republic, concerned about its ability
to handle the residual civil unrest, naturally disarmed its citizens,
requiring “All firearms, as well as all kinds of firearms ammunition,
are to be surrendered immediately.” (2) This law remained in effect,
(and often enforced with on-the-spot execution), till the new Law on
Firearms and Ammunition was swiftly passed in 1928. (2) These new
regulations required licensing and permits for the following activities:
obtaining a weapon or ammunition, carrying a weapon, manufacturing
weapons or ammunition, reloading ammunitions, having an ‘arsenal’
defined as more than 5 guns of the same kind or 100 cartridges (2). The
new law seemingly relaxed gun restrictions, but it ensured that the
government subjectively permitted which citizens could obtain firearms,
allowing only those with ‘unquestionable trustworthiness,’ at the same
time exempting government officials and law enforcement. (2) However,
the licenses and permits thus guaranteed the government knew exactly
where the guns were. Just 5 years later, in January 1933, Adolf Hitler
was named Chancellor and the socialist Nazi regime gained control. (2)
Within months the new chancellor enacted plans to target and disarm his
political opponents, and by November 1939, using Weimar republic gun
registration lists, Hitler had successfully disarmed the Jewish
populace, leaving them completely powerless to the horrors to come. (2)
forward to today in America. Connecticut’s gun laws are among the most
restrictive and unconstitutional in the country, with all out bans,
firearms registrations, ownership licensing, permits to purchase, and
permits to carry (sound familiar?). (3) Law makers in Connecticut, in
order to fulfill the emotional need to do ‘something’ in the aftermath
of a senseless tragedy, passed more restrictive gun laws banning even
more guns, requiring the registration of previously unbanned
semi-automatic rifles, and registration of 10+rounds magazines. (4)
These laws went into effect on January 1, 2014. (4) Just prior to that
date, gun owners stood in long lines across the state to register their
newly banned firearms and magazines, essentially putting their name on a
list, allowing the government to know exactly where the guns are. (4)
The parallels are undeniable.
Patrick Henry
during the Second Virginia Convention March 23, 1775, said this in his
famous Give me Liberty or Give me Dead speech, “I have but one lamp by
which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of
no way of judging of the future but by the past.” (5) Therefore, I ask
you, Law Abiding Gun Owner, what event in history can you point to for
solace that gun registration results in greater liberty to a nation’s
- http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/versa/versa4.html
- http://www.stephenhalbrook.com/article-nazilaw.pdf
- http://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/state-laws/connecticut.aspx
- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/12/31/looks-like-weimar-germany-the-viral-photo-out-of-connecticut-thats-giving-some-gun-owners-chills/
- http://www.patrickhenrycenter.com/Speeches.aspx
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